Lucy was not convinced that white noise is something that can help her little girl Lily. But soon Whisbear turned out to be a game changer, especially when Lily caught a nasty cold andneeded some extra support to settle. Also, Lucy thinks that Whisbear is something different from your usual run-of-the-mill teddy bear and she loves the contemporary, European look. Well, thank you Lucy! I’m blushing – I love Whisbear.
Well, in the 2 weeks since his arrival we’ve definitely been seeing the benefits of Whisbear! It is clear that Lily finds it easier to nod off both during the day for naps (which are usually unheard of for the most part) and overnight when he is with her. We are so pleased that she is sleeping better and it’s meant that we’ve been able to grab some extra well-needed shut-eye as well. Whisbear is fast becoming a firm favourite with families across Europe and is recognised as being especially useful for babies who don’t settle well or are suffering from colic. So forget burning out your hairdryer or running the hoover round in the middle of the night, there IS an easier way!