As a parent, you surely know that white noise can help your baby sleep. But did you know pink noise is even better? Read what expert Rebecca Michi says about it:
If you’ve had your baby or are about to have a baby you have no doubt heard about white noise, you may even own a white noise machine. What if I told you it may not be the best noise for helping your child sleep?
Pink noise may, in fact, be more helpful.
You’re probably wondering what on earth I am talking about, let me start by telling you a little about the different colors of sound (yep, there are many colors) and how pink noise is more beneficial for both you and your child.
There are many colors of sound, white noise which I am sure you have heard of, pink, brown, blue, violet and grey to name a few. Each noise has its own unique properties; some are higher pitched than others. Pink noise is more soothing.
What is Pink Noise and Why It Helps Babies Sleep Better?
Pink noise has the same sssshhhhhh sound as white noise but is slightly different, and it’s not so high pitched, it has a deep, rumbler sound, similar to the sounds your child heard in the womb. As this is a sound your child is more used to, they spent quite a while listening to it.
For babies, this calming noise replicates many of the sounds they have heard in the womb. If you think about it, all of that blood rushing through arteries, voices from ‘the beyond’ and other gurgles all add up to quite a noisy environment. Many newborn babies are not used to life being so quiet, and so when they are born they need some more help to make them feel secure and cozy.
Pink noise is the sound the Whisbear The Humming Bear features and this is why babies love it so much.
Pink noise is going to be comforting, relaxing and palatable for your child’s hearing.
Research shows that listening to pink noise whilst sleeping results in a better quality of sleep, this is good for both you and your child.
In a study published in the Journal of Theoretical Biology researchers looked at participants’ brain activity during both nighttime sleep and naps. It turned out that their sleep was deeper, more refreshing and restful when the “sleepers” listened to pink noise.
In addition, in a study published in the journal Neuron researchers made their participants sleep in two different environments. First, they listened to pink noise while they were sleeping. Then, they went to bed in silence. Later, their memory was tested. Subjects were able to recall almost twice as many word pairs shown to them the previous night after sleeping with pink noise, comparing to the nights spent in silence.
This is a huge benefit for you and your developing child and shows that pink noise is not just for babies but for the whole family as well.
Although research on Pink Noise is quite new in the academic world, scientists started to look at it more carefully. And some, according to Nature are even trying to use it as a prevention tool or remedy for memory issues.
How to Use Pink Noise with Your Baby?
Use pink noise to help your baby feel secure and fall asleep easily. It is also a gentle way to support better sleep.
You can also use pink noise daily to block out household noises whilst your child is sleeping. You don’t want your little one being woken by you putting dishes away in the kitchen.
Keep your pink noise machine at a comfortable volume, not blaring in little ears, 3 or 4 feet away is perfect and no louder than a shower.
When I work with families I always suggest they ditch the white noise and move to a more pleasant pink noise. It will give you the best chance for a better night sleep.